Visualizing California Water Quality With Python

Visualizing California Water Quality With Python

Interactive Dissolved Oxygen Level Chart using Publically Available Data

Source Data

California Open Data Portal provides water quality data available here. This contains data ranging from 1968 to 2022 and has results for parameters such as dissolved oxygen and chemical levels. In this example, I will be looking at the Dissolved Oxygen Levels in California.


The graphic below shows the monthly Dissolved Oxygen Level for each station. The stations within each county will share the same shape but have a different color.


  • Hovering over a point will show additional information for the point
  • Clicking on a station in the legend will highlight points from that station
  • Viewing in landscape mode on mobile devices is advised

Python Modules Used

  • Pandas to select a trimmed dataset from the original data
  • Altair to create the visualization
  • Datapane to host the visualization

Source Code

Source code is available here.